Sunday, January 6, 2008

A weight loser who hates waste

Having lived through poor (though never starving poor) periods in my life, I hate wasting food. It's not so bad in Eastern Europe because if you really have an excess of food in the house, you can put it out on top of the bin, and poor and hungry people will find it and recycle it. Though it hurts putting out food that is still good, one has to be fair to those people, too.....

So there I had lost all that weight over the last 15 months or so, and I was worried about eating so much over Christmas. Indeed, the weight increased again, by up to 3.5 kg from the minimum (though that had only ever been reached for a brief period). It was still tolerable, though I could feel one shirt being a little tight round the top, and my ribs were not quite so visible (all my weight is in my legs - no-one will ever see my leg bones or even running muscles!).

Then two days ago I returned to eating normal quantities - and the excess weight is dropping off! Like a stone! Maybe my body really has found a new equilibrium which is much lower than the one I had during my heavy days. ....Let's see what happens when, after my op tomorrow, I can't run or walk much for a week or two....

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