Monday, April 21, 2008

Short breastfeeds best for baby?

This BBC story suggests that rather than letting your baby feed until he or she falls asleep, and as often as he or she likes, it's better to give them 10 minutes on each side, at least 2 and ideally 3 hours apart. They are said to grow quicker (put on weight more quickly) that way.

Sounds like the old-fashioned approach to 'discipline them young'. Not sure what Mr Freud would have to say about that, in terms of oral satisfaction, meeting the child's needs and all that.

Is there really a need, these days, for children to put on weight 'more quickly'? Most breastfed children seem to grow quite satisfactorily. Mine grew to a perfectly normal adult height, being fed for how long and when he wanted (like, all the time!). I also think that despite this approach he did not turn out particularly spoilt, or self-centred....

Though I remember that whilst still in hospital I had to feed him secretly because the nurses (elderly, 30 years ago) did not approve of all that 'meeting your [distressed] child's demands'.

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