Saturday, February 16, 2008

First Tbilisi run this year

Wow, it was hard work! After more than two months of running on the flat, or short distances in the gym, one or two ascents were a little bit beyond me. At least the ice had gone in most places, apart from one or two little stretches which I could only gingerly step across....Managed to do all the tricky corners of 'my' route, though I had forgotten about one dog which always yaps too damn close behind me in one place of the route.

Slight disappointment in the supermarket (though tinged with relief) - it no longer had my favourite liquorice-flavoured sweets, which are the reward for the Saturday run. Instead I bought some others which looked like liquorice torpedoes, but they are not....It'll save future calorie
overdoses. Then again, the shop goes through phases - I see it's still in its Kellogg's cornflakes phase - so maybe they'll return after a while.

1 comment:

goodbuylenin said...

Apparently these sweets, Haribo's 'Staffetten' do contain liquorice....The other sweets, too, were more like liquorice-flavoured winegums rather than real liquorice. One clutches at straws. One's stomach, apart from the calories, may be a bit relieved about not too much liquorice.